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Breaking 20 minutes for 5k is back RSS

#Week 2 5k in under 20 minutes

Week two was busy. Whilst the main focus is breaking 20 minutes there was also the small matter of a swim from Bray to Greystones that we had organised amongst a group of friends over the summer and we were due to attempt it on Saturday. As a result I missed one session again this week although it was the less important one the easy run. Tuesday I attempted the first session which is treadmill based 20mins at 5:05 pace 20 minutes at 4:55 and 20 minutes at 4:45 pace. I wouldn't normally find this particularly hard on the road outside but for some reason for me everything is harder on a treadmill. I got to 30 minutes and blew...

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#Week 1 breaking 20mins for 5k

  Well ok news on the weight front down .7kg. It's not earth shattering and it's below the target of 1kg a week but we'll take it for the moment hopefully get down 1.3kg next week and make up for it.   Training was good this week. We had three key sessions to do an easy enough Aerobic run of 45 minutes a very hard Hill repeat session on the Thursday which was 6 Hills of about 70 seconds in time. My legs felt like I'd just done 10 sets of 10 reps on the squat one point I felt like Bambi on ice just couldn't hold myself up.   Then Saturday was long run day. I was supposed to...

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